About The Sponsorships

Sonoma County Tourism (SCT) has a mandate to promote Sonoma County as an overnight destination, with a goal of incremental room night generation. To encourage Sonoma County event producers to join us in that mandate, SCT established a Special Event Sponsorship program. The program provides funds for eligible Sonoma County projects that demonstrate the ability to draw visitors to Sonoma County including overnight stays.

Who is Eligible?

Organizations, companies, and individuals who are producing events in Sonoma County during the stated awards timeframes that advance the stated Sonoma County Tourism mandate.

The total request by any applicant cannot exceed $25,000. Typical awards will range between $5,000 and $10,000.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Overnight stays: Potential to drive overnight stays in Sonoma County and description of how this data will be tracked. Special consideration will be given to events that are held midweek (Sunday-Thursday) and that use multiple lodging properties.
  • Anticipated ROI: Estimated event value to the destination.
    • number of attendees, estimated economic impact, anticipated ticket sales, visitor origination, etc.
    • clearly articulated marketing and advertising plan
  • Capacity: Demonstrated ability to complete the project effectively
  • Completeness and Clarity of Application

Promotional Partnership

Awardees will be required to provide name and logo recognition to Sonoma County Tourism on all physical and digital materials for the event. Special consideration will be given to applicants who can provide additional promotional opportunities including:

  • Creation of a Sonoma County landing page with destination information, links to lodging partners, etc.
  • Access to event customer names and contact information that SCT can use in future marketing
  • Opportunities for SCT in event-related PR activities, particularly those with major outlet or national media coverage.
  • Complimentary tickets for qualified travel media, influencers, writers, and other VIPs are not required but are appreciated.
  • Other promotional opportunities as available from Applicant.

Budget History

Applicants will be asked to provide a company/organization Statement of Financial Position for their most recently completed fiscal year, plus a 3-year history of the event (not company/organization Revenues and Expenses, totals only, no line-item breakout required). Applicants whose events are less than 3 years old may request an exemption.


The Special Event Sponsorship Program is shifting from two annual cycles to one, starting in SCT’s FY25-26 (July 2025 – June 2026). As a result, two cycles will be completed in Calendar Year 2025, and awardees for the FY24-25 sponsorships WILL be eligible to apply for sponsorships in the FY25-26 even if their FY24-25 event is not complete.

Application Opens: October 1, 2024
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2024
Award Notification: December 15, 2024
Award Period: January 1 through October 31, 2025
Final Report Submission Deadline: December 31, 2025

Applications Open: April 1, 2025
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2025
Award Notification: July 15, 2025
Award Period: November 1, 2025 through October 31, 2026
Final Report Submission Deadline: December 31, 2026

New This Year: To encourage events that meet SCT’s mandate of increasing tourism during off-peak times, an emphasis of the sponsorship funds will be put towards events occurring between November 1 and April 30. The remaining funds will be allocated to projects during the high season between May 1 and October 31.

Contracts, Payments & Final Reports

Funds will be sent to awardees within three (3) weeks of receipt by SCT of signed agreements and a Purchase Order or Invoice from awardees.

Final report forms will be required of awardees to be submitted within 60 days of completion of the sponsored event. Failure to complete and submit a final report will render awardee ineligible to receive future sponsor awards.

How to Apply

Completed applications may be submitted in two ways:

  • Online application via SCT form below. Submitted forms must be received by November 14, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
  • Scanned and emailed to [email protected]. Email applications must be submitted by November 14, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

For More Information Contact:
Frank Filice
Sonoma County Tourism, VP Global Marketing & Brand
Phone: 707-522-5816 / Email: [email protected]

Special Event Sponsorship Application

Special Event Sponsorship Application 

Contact Information

Supervisor Districts can be found here.

Special Event Sponsorship Request


Tourism and Marketing Impacts

Please quantify the tourism and marketing impacts of your event based on past and/or anticipated future data gathering:

Total Estimated Economic Impact

Please calculate your total estimated economic impact based on the items below and any others for which you have data. If you do not track any of the data points below and do not have a reliable source to estimate, please leave it blank.


Company/Organization Budget History

Please list the following figures from your most recently completed three events.

Event 1 (most recently completed) 

Event 2 (2 years prior) 

Event 3 (3 years prior) 

Event Budget

Please detail your anticipated revenues and expenses.

Event Revenues: 

Other Sources that will be applied to this project, if any: i.e. admissions sales, sponsorships, cash on hand, etc. Please specify the source and amount: other sources of revenue are not a requirement for funding.  

Project Expenses (equal to your requested amount above) 

Additional Required Information 

  • Financial Statement – please provide a copy of your organization’s most recent Financial Statement.
  • Marketing Plan: Limit 2 pages
  • Media Coverage of prior year’s event(s): Limit: 3 pages


By checking "I Agree", I as a representative of the applicant organization, agree to furnish the services as specified and in accordance with this application and the Terms of Sponsorship exhibit which is incorporated herein.